Thursday, July 3, 2008

Las Vegas Document Book

A book showcasing the photography of the entire Las Vegas Document class will be coming out this year. Watch for updated information here. It will be exciting! Thanks.


Cynthia said...


Nostalgia has a funny way of tempering memories, but through it, I seem to have found you and your wonderful work. We used to be friends, and I'm wondering how you are. You still have good taste in movies. :)

Keep up the good work!

-- Cynthia

Riddle in a Rhyme said...

Cynthia! I've been wondering about you over the years, have actually been trying to find you and try to get in touch with you.. this is a remarkable bit of serendipity it is! Remember that word...? We have a lot of catching up to do, can't do it all here... will get in touch with you again and let you know....

Riddle in a Rhyme said...

Hey Cynthia! If you get this, email me at my email at: Substitute my real first name and last name of course. I was trying to figure out a way for you to contact me without putting my real email address up here in case it got picked up by spam bots somehow... if you have any trouble, let me know and
I'll figure out something else... sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, I've been unusually busy these days... it's crazy!! Do get back to me, I have potential creative projects to tell you about, among other things as well... okay, will look for your reply... (in my email!) or here too...